Solid purple MagicBand scheduled to be released in late December

You heard that right! The ever elusive solid purple MagicBand will finally be for sale at the end of December, this month. Disney Parks Blog had a post about the announcement this morning. At this time it will be for sale within the parks, so it’s unknown if it will be a color option for resort guests just yet. Once I get more details on that, I will update this post.

Finally we can check this off of the list of most requested colors.


About Ethan 1209 Articles
Creator of MagicBand Collectors (which is owned by EA Partners, LLC), it is my goal to catalog and archive the entire history of the Disney MagicBand. I don't work for Disney nor am I associated with them in any way, besides being a mega-fan and living 5 minutes from Walt Disney World. You can contact me at


    • No, I missed that! I haven’t heard of anything other than an E ticket, but I’m assuming that wasn’t a mistake to say that by Steven Miller. If the A-D tickets appear and you find out about them, please let me know. I’ll hold off on a post about it until I know for sure.

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