Updated: Jack Skellington prototype band revealed, coming in August with others

A long-time reader has sent me a picture of a Jack Skellington (The Nightmare Before Christmas) graphic prototype MagicBand that has yet to be released. The backĀ of the band says “Jack A” which indicatesĀ that Disney may have made a “B” prototype style as well (I have a Darth Vader prototype band that says “Vader B” on the back).

Updated: This MagicBand is due out for purchase sometime in August 2015. I’m not yet sure if it will be Open Edition or Limited Edition. There are also other new MagicBands bands due out in August as well.


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About Ethan 1209 Articles
Creator of MagicBand Collectors (which is owned by EA Partners, LLC), it is my goal to catalog and archive the entire history of the Disney MagicBand. I don't work for Disney nor am I associated with them in any way, besides being a mega-fan and living 5 minutes from Walt Disney World. You can contact me at eapartnersllc@icloud.com.


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