A closer look at the “Ship to Resort” MagicBand box

Today I got the gray Disney Dreamers Academy MagicBand from someone who attended the event, and included with the band unrequested was the box the band came in from Disney, which I had never seen before. The box has the first name of the attendee printed on the top, and the last name with hotel reservation number on the side. A picture of the castle is on the other side, and instructions are on the back.

Thanks to site reader Mike, I’ve learned that this is the box MagicBands come in when you pick them up at the resort you are staying in within Walt Disney World. To get this box you must have your bands shipped directly to the resort hotel instead of your home. They are called “pillow” boxes.

Here’s some pictures of what the box looks like:




About Ethan 1209 Articles
Creator of MagicBand Collectors (which is owned by EA Partners, LLC), it is my goal to catalog and archive the entire history of the Disney MagicBand. I don't work for Disney nor am I associated with them in any way, besides being a mega-fan and living 5 minutes from Walt Disney World. You can contact me at eapartnersllc@icloud.com.


  1. Those are the boxes all magicbands come in now if shipped to the resort. They are called ‘pillows’ name and reservation # on the side and name on top. If shipped to home still the incredibles box.

  2. Hi there. We just booked a room for this weekend and will be picking up our magic bands at the resort. We are also going to be purchasing annual passes for our kids and linking them to the bands and surprising them with them at the resort. I was hoping they would come in one of those beautiful boxes I could quickly wrap to give to them, but from what I have read here I’m going to get one of these paper tubes. So my question is…is there any way to get one of these boxes on Disney property? I don’t have time to have them shipped to me. Thanks for your help.

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