Video of the 2016 Flower & Garden MagicBand lights and sounds

Huge thanks to reader William for the video.

So it looks like Disney turned on the special effects today after all, we just had to wait until this evening to see them! Here’s a video of the new 2016 Flower & Garden MagicBand lights and sounds at the entry touch points of Epcot. This does work at FastPass+ touch points as I expected it to since it’s a park-specific band.

Unfortunately for Figment fans, there is no voice of him with this band, and it sounds surprisingly similar to the 2016 Easter band.

About Ethan 1211 Articles
Creator of MagicBand Collectors (which is owned by EA Partners, LLC), it is my goal to catalog and archive the entire history of the Disney MagicBand. I don't work for Disney nor am I associated with them in any way, besides being a mega-fan and living 5 minutes from Walt Disney World. You can contact me at


    • also how long do limited bands special effects last? like if i buy a 2014 band from a friend who never linked it up, would it still do its effect in the parks?

        • I used a 2014 band in December with no problems.

          Some techies predict that your band will continue to produce effects and work for Fastpasses even after the battery dies, since those are “short range” functions and not “long range” functions. It may not capture pics indefinitely, though. But at the minimum, you’re good until the battery goes caput, as Chris says.

          On a recent visit, I actually wore two bands –one on each wrist– so I could try out different effects at different locations. You could always bring a newer one as a backup just in case.

          Has anyone reported a band actually not working due to battery life? I’ll be curious to hear if/when that happens.

          • I’ve also heard that the short distant feature will always work, but I’m just curious when disney will stop having the scanners have the effects from the band as more new ones come out i could see eventually say 2014 band effects be removed, for say 2017 effects

        • I thought the whole idea behind RFID technology was to provide power to the “tags” via raido waves from the scanner, thus eliminating the need for batteries. I remember seeing a cutaway of a band in the past, but I don’t recall seeing a battery. I’ll see if I can find a picture to reference.

          • Oops, my mistake. They do appear to contain a 3v watch battery. Concidering that there’s no moving parts, battery drain should be minimal. Sorry for the confusion.

  1. just curious about these limited release magic bands they look cool and your blog is too! but there is no way to replace this things battery and now ppl are paying 32$ for a band that in a couple of years won’t be fully functional it should still work at the gate fast pass points and room, but like previous poster posted how long will they actually last? i know two chips are in them and the one that can tell when your on a ride is the one that will shut off when battery dies, but how long will special effects even last before disney gets rid of them to make way for new effect bands?

  2. I have a question for ya. As my collection of limited edition magic bands grow, I find myself needing something to display them or keep them in. Have you seen of anything or know of anything?

  3. Can you shed light on park-specific bands when it comes to lights and sounds? Will my Flower and Garden band NOT make sounds at at least entry points at all Parks?

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