Surprise release: Dooney & Bourke Princess Ear Hat Limited Edition 2000 MagicBand

There was a surprise release today in Disney Springs at the Ever After Jewelry Co. & Accessories store: A new Limited Edition 2000 Princess Ear Hat Dooney & Bourke MagicBand! This band matches the handbags with the same pattern and color (millennial pink) called “I Am Princess”, and were also released today at that store.

This MagicBand goes for $48 and the barcode SKU is 400020985637. This band should make special effects at certain touch points, and once I find out if that is true I will post the video here. Here are some pictures of the new band.

If you want to order this band, you can do so by clicking this link which will take you right to the product.



About Ethan 1231 Articles
Creator of MagicBand Collectors (which is owned by EA Partners, LLC), it is my goal to catalog and archive the entire history of the Disney MagicBand. I don't work for Disney nor am I associated with them in any way, besides being a mega-fan and living 5 minutes from Walt Disney World. You can contact me at


    • There’s no way they sold 5,000 of these already. There’s no way they even sold half that.

      They pulled this same stunt with the Epcot 35 and Red Figment LE bands, claiming they were all gone, and then they restocked and sat on shelves for 6+ months for the Epcot 35 one, and you can still get the Red Figment LE band in Epcot right now, 11 months later.

      These will be restocked and available for likely even longer than the above bands, since they’re only sold to DVC members. If not, I’ll eat a cow, and I’m vegetarian.

  1. I really want this band! I am currently in the parks, will this band ever restock? And if so, what stores would i be able to find it at on disney property?

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