A new Limited Edition 4000 MagicBand is coming to the Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party starting tomorrow, August 17th, 2018. This is a hard-ticket event and you can only purchase these bands at the party in the Magic Kingdom. They are not going to be available online or in any other store.
Since 2014 Disney has released special Limited Edition bands for the parties, and 2018 is no different. New this year though is the multi-color gray band and center icon of orange. According to the Disney Parks Blog, this will have “a decorative box with glow-in-the-dark ink”. The band and icon also glow in the dark, as confirmed by the picture below. This item has a SKU of 400020969361. The band is $39.99 because of the special effects on the box.
This MagicBand is not available directly from Disney unless you got it from this specific event, but you can buy it from eBay online by clicking this link which will take you right to the product listings.
The band does indeed glow in the dark:
Credit to Blog Mickey for these pictures:
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yay! can’t wait to find out the details
Are these likely to last until the end of September?
At 4000 available, yes.
According to the Disney Parks Blog, this will have “a decorative box with glow-in-the-dark ink,” I assume that means the box and not the MagicBand itself.
Source: https://disneyparks.disney.go.com/blog/2018/08/run-amuck-amuck-amuck-with-new-merchandise-for-mickeys-not-so-scary-halloween-party-2018/
That is what I am assuming as well.
Are the individually numbered? I ordered one from e bay and it’s says. 4,000 on it.
No they are not.
Just got ours, I linked it and went straight to a fast pass kiosk and… no effect 🙁 hopefully it’s just not on or enabled yet. Also the bad does itself glow, not just the box. The entirety band glows actually, puck included.
Where in the park are they being sold? Hopefully the kiosks just haven’t been updated with the sounds yet.
I picked up ours at big top gifts, I also saw them at emporium, and at the shop beside space mountain (where the D-tech stuff is) at the end of the night there was still lots of stock… I wasn’t sure if they had a daily limit they would sell or not.
I got mine on the first night. It didnt do anything special at kiosks within the park, however when I was exiting, I asked one of the entrance attendants if I could try it at their touch point. They enthusiastically agreed since they hadn’t seen the new ones yet. I touched and, bingo, it turned the touch point purple, however I did not hear any special noises. It may be that the points hadn’t been updated yet as others have speculated.
Where in the park exactly did you get yours? Do you know of them being sold in various shops around the Magic Kingdom or just ones near the parade route?
I got mine at the Emporium on Main Street.
I was also disappointed in the fact that it didn’t make any special sounds or colors.
Hopefully, that won’t be the case when I go back next month.
They typically only have special effects at certain attractions. I’ve found small world to always work.
For my Magic Bands to MNSSHP and MVMCP from last year, both of them still get the lights and sound effects from every single ride entry point, photo scan point, and the entry point at Magic Kingdom.
I really don’t see why this one would/should be any different.
We got ours on Thursday at the emporium. No special effects. Very disappointed
FWIW, I got one tonight. It worked at new and old tapstyles. Video available upon request.
Is there anyone that could buy one and ship it to me? I’m going near the end of October, so I’ll probably miss out if I try to get one when I go.
They have some on ebay
Do you think they will sell out? We’re also going towards the end of October, but luckily my brother in law and his wife arrive there today and will get us a couple of them.
They might sell out by then, but usually they don’t.
We are also going toward the end of OCT. So that we can also see some of the Christmas too there. We will be staying for 2 weeks down there. I might even adopt an Ikran/Banshee while at Pandora. That is if I can afford the adoption fee. 🙂
I know I already did a comment. Since my first comment has not been placed yet I have to do a second one. Since I forgot to mention we will also be going to the MNSSHP. So I just hope I can afford that special band and hope there are some left. When we go to the MNSSHP.