More Prototype MagicBands: E-Ticket and Disney Cruise Line

Some more prototype MagicBands have surfaced. Here’s a quick rundown of what’s been discovered:

E-Ticket MagicBand prototype

This one caught me by surprise, as the released E-Ticket band itself is already one of the most desired and rare MagicBands there is. This is the first prototype I’ve ever seen of a band that was a promotional band and never available for the general public to use. The prototype graphics are actually slightly different than the final released version, so it deserves its own mention for sure. Here’s a comparison.

Prototype Version:

IMG_0192 2IMG_0192 IMG_0191


Released Version (notice the pink E and the graphic on the Mickey heads):

Screen Shot 2016-01-17 at 12.58.31 PMIMG_0238 IMG_0237

Disney Cruise Line prototype

The other prototypes that are newly discovered are more Disney Cruise Line bands. Here we see an orange version of what became the originally child-issued DCL band back in 2013, and two different variants of the Captain Mickey Youth Activities band that is in use today.

IMG_0194 2IMG_0194 IMG_0195


IMG_0198 2IMG_0198 IMG_0199


IMG_3755 2 IMG_0199

About Ethan 1231 Articles
Creator of MagicBand Collectors (which is owned by EA Partners, LLC), it is my goal to catalog and archive the entire history of the Disney MagicBand. I don't work for Disney nor am I associated with them in any way, besides being a mega-fan and living 5 minutes from Walt Disney World. You can contact me at


  1. Is it possible to reassign or unlink and link a magic and to another account? Like if I was to purchase an already linked limited edition band and want to link to my account?

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