Disney Parks Blog reveals new details on the runDisney MagicBand

Today the Disney Parks Blog revealed new information on the runDisney MagicBand. First, it appears that the MagicBand will be of the Limited Release variety. What this means is that it will not make lights/sounds at FP+ and entry touchpoints. It will also most likely be sold in a standard box with a gray Limited Release sticker on the it, and the band will also state “Limited Release” on the inside of it next to where the MagicBand ID is. Secondly, the band will be available for $24.95.

The runDisney MagicBand will be available on the dates of January 7-11, 2015. From what I understand, the runDisney Marathon Weekend Expo is open to the public in the HP Field House at the ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex. What this means is that anyone should be able to show up and buy this MagicBand, not just attendees signed up for a run.

For me personally this is great news, because even though I run and would like merchandise, I haven’t yet signed up for a runDisney event. It will give me a good idea of what happens at these events and give me a reason to go and check it all out.


About Ethan 1209 Articles
Creator of MagicBand Collectors (which is owned by EA Partners, LLC), it is my goal to catalog and archive the entire history of the Disney MagicBand. I don't work for Disney nor am I associated with them in any way, besides being a mega-fan and living 5 minutes from Walt Disney World. You can contact me at eapartnersllc@icloud.com.


  1. There have been a few comments on this post urging me and others who are not participating in a run to not purchase a MagicBand. I have approved these comments for view because I encourage discussion and everyone’s opinions deserve to be heard, even if I disagree with them.

    Here is my response to those complaints:

    First, obviously as a collector and the person running this website I’ll need one for pictures and information for the site and its visitors, as well as my own personal collection. I’m not an eBay reseller trying to make money. I just am there to buy one item.

    Second, for this Marathon Weekend, all of the runs I can personally do are sold out (such as the 5K), and so I have no choice but to not participate. 

    But third, and more importantly, if Disney didn’t want people to buy merchandise, they wouldn’t make the Expo open to the public and would restrict it only to participants, or at least give participants first access to the merchandise before the public. Obviously Disney wants people to attend the Expo, purchase merchandise, and enjoy festivities regardless of your participation in a run. And if you do a quick Google search you will see that this is not the first website to state that the Expo is open to the public, nor will it be the last.

    I think putting your anger (or frustration, etc) on me for buying a single MagicBand for my personal collection and for this website is misplaced, and it won’t prevent eBay scalpers from coming to the Expo. If you want to complain about the Expo being open to the public and want it changed, I encourage you to please contact runDisney.

    • Ethan,
      I share your same situation.
      The run I could personally do was sold out, and I knew that the Expo was open to the public.
      I was planning to go and see if the RunDisney Magic Band was available to everybody and not just participants.
      Just like you, I only want my own Magic Band for my collection.
      Since the merchandise is open to everybody, I’m sure Disney has planned to have plenty of bands available for everyone.
      To avoid the understandable frustration, participants should be given the chance to pre-order in advance whatever merchandise they would like to buy that day, so that they don’t miss out. Or maybe this option should be reserved just for the Magic Band, the hot topic of discussion. lol. I enjoy your website and thank you for sharing your knowledge!!!

      • Disney has planned to have plenty available? Bah ha ha ha ha. Never has a statement so obviously illustrated that you don’t know the struggle for RunDisney merchandise. People who ran Dumbo Double Dare this year couldn’t get ANY of the DDD pins after the first 3 hours of the expo because they were all sold out (to non-running collectors and personal shoppers and jerks on eBay). Same goes for Wine & Dine car magnets, and any type of merchandise for those who run the Dopey challenge. Non-runners abuse the expo and it’s disgusting.

        As for pre-ordering merchandise? It’s a very limited supply we can pre-order (a generic jacket that we can’t see the design of, a cheap necklace, and a single event pin…and not the medal pins everyone seeks out). I say make all RunDisney merchandise available only to people registered for an event at the expos. There is no reason anyone not participating in or volunteering for an event needs any of the exclusive race merchandise.

    • You are absolutely right. This race weekend is sold out. You can go to the runDisney website and find out when registration opens for other races and then go buy your magic band as a registered runner.

      • I’ll be buying my MagicBand at the Expo without needing to register on Jan. 7th, like Disney allows.

        Running is not a prerequisite to buying a runDisney MagicBand. They’ve made that pretty clear.

        • So I know I’m understanding this right. You are going to the expo to buy a magic band that means absolutely nothing to you? You aren’t running a race, you aren’t registered for a race. Even being registered for a different race would make a little more sense. A 5k is a 5k. If you couldn’t get into one, why not try for a different one? Don’t give me the whole, well, I run line. Ok, so, why aren’t you registered for any RunDisney races?

          • I’m buying one because I run a website about collecting MagicBands. That is what one of my hobbies is and the purpose of this website. So yes, it DOES mean something to me… Just not the same thing it means for you.

            I also have a Launch Team MagicBand, a Seven Dwarves Mine Train press event band, and a 2013 Executive Meeting band, but I didn’t attend those either.

            I’m a COLLECTOR. Yes, I am going to buy one.

    • I just wanted to say that I completely agree with your response. I have taken to only collecting Limited Edition bands (and, thankfully, I currently have all six and can’t wait for more), but if, say, this runDisney band WAS limited edition, I, too, would be doing what needs to be done to obtain it. For those that run, I’m sure it means something to them, but it also means something to those that collect the bands as you and others do. Simply not taking part in a specific event is no reason not to have something from that event.

  2. no offense but if you want RunDisney merchandise you should sign up for an event. As a faithful participant we are already have to battle the ebayers and shoppers for event merchandise. So many people train, save and participate and don’t get that one thing they really wanted because of non-participants buying merchandise.

  3. Please do not just show up at an expo for the merchandise. Runners have enough trouble getting their hands on exclusive merchandise thanks to eBay sharks even without mb hunters and it’s just ridiculous. Runners pay for the expo to take place with their entry fees and they can’t even get their event merchandise. If you are interested in RunDisney events, I recommend checking out RunDisney.com. All of the pertinent race weekend info is located there.

  4. Why do you want a runDisney Magic band if you’ve never registered for a runDisney event? Save the runDisney merchandise for the people that run or volunteer for these events.

  5. First off, don’t assume my terse commentary was anger. It’s far from anger and is more in line with frustration.

    My issue isn’t with you buying a RunDisney magic band. My issue is your advertising that expo is open to the public and stating that anyone could go and purchase the merchandise. We as runners (and people who PAID for the expo to happen in the first place) do not need any more people to fight at expo for the extremely limited edition merchandise. Ebay sharks and personal shoppers will be all over your statements and we will have even more people to elbow through in order to get merchandise that we EARNED as runners. Entitled? Yes I am. Anyone who pays hundreds/thousands of dollars to partake in race weekends and trains for so long for any distance event should feel entitled to their own pick of their merchandise.

    About contacting RunDisney, we definitely have and will continue contacting them regarding our feelings about the abuse of RunDisney merchandise by ebay sharks and personal shoppers.

    I sincerely hope that you register for a RunDisney event and experience the beauty and frustration that is running at Disney. The RunDisney crowd is truly the most fantastic and most supportive group of people I’ve ever encountered. You will be welcomed with open arms. I believe after experiencing the agony that is a race registration (akin to guerilla warfare) along with the long runs and early mornings training, you will understand exactly why we feel so passionately about our merchandise and the exclusivity. In my opinion, RunDisney merchandise has to be earned.

    • “You will be welcomed with open arms.”
      Unless you’re there to buy merchandise.

      “In my opinion, RunDisney merchandise has to be earned.”
      $24.95 earns me a magic band.

  6. Runners love runners! The running community is incredible! And yes races sell out quickly!!! But runDisney did open more half and full marathon options for people. Yes a half marathon isn’t easy and it may be more then you wanted to do but challenge yourself! The medal and the history would have been that much sweeter! I hope that if you do attend the expo that you take a moment and stand back to take it all in. At that point you will say to yourself…I get it now and then come back and retract some of your reply back to all of us who are paying for that expo to happen.

  7. I think the people who posting on here complaining about Non-registered runners buying merchandise needs to get a life. Who are you the merchandise police? You registered to run. Not to buy stuff. This website is for collectors, not for complainers. The magic band is for park admission, not to show off to your cool disney run buddies that already know you run. Having lived in central florida my whole life, I think I will get plenty of use out of this merchandise. You probably don’t even go to the parks that much besides running thru them. Do me a favor and keep running all the way out the exit. I enjoy running and have never done a disney race. I was planning on doing my 1st disney run, but now don’t know if these contestants are all that friendly. You’re giving the races a bad rep by your attitude over a plastic band. I wanted to buy a magic band for my collection as well. See you at the public expo.

    • I am running the Disney Marathon and the half this weekend. Done 10+ Disney fulls and I don’t see any problem with anyone going to the expo and buying whatever is available to all. The one thing you earn that can’t be bought is the pride and experience of finishing and the cool medal. That is plenty for me. Yes I may grab a magic band, my sister may get the Disney shoes and I get the cool collector pin. But they more people that come to the expo the better for the running community. Maybe they will one day join in the fun. Have a magical day.

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